Stop the Insanity! please?

a lot of talk... a little sense

Friday, May 19, 2006


I know that it shouldn't have taken me this long to realize but Ebay is the devil. Devil in a good/bad way though. It is good because you can find every possible useless thing that you could ever want or need or think you need. Not only that but you can usually get stuff for a deal. Now the sucks you in. It sucks you like a dirty dirty whore. Once you do it you just can't stop. It is like your whole life depends on winning this worthless item. I am a nice person, happy go lucky kinda gal unless you are trying to out bid me. That is when the claws come out and the yelling at the unknown people in my computer starts. It can be quite scary. The first time Cory witnessed this I think for a slight moment he thought about running for the hills, besides it would be easy to sell my engagment ring on ebay.
I am obsessed....when it is almost time for the auction to end I sit by the computer and hit refresh, refresh, refresh over and over again and watch the minutes tick away.
Speaking of which, it has been a few minutes since I checked my auction. Stay away from it it is mine!!!!!!

UPDATE: Thats right, don't mess with me and my ebay! Cuz you know i'll beat you!

So can you tell I like to post pictures? These creatures, all three of them (Cory included) are the best things to ever come into my life. That is next to my mom, but I came into her life so that doesn't really count, and my best friend Rita (I miss you!!)


She is spoiled. I mean, can you blame us? She has blue eyes for crying out loud!!

My Ruby

I wish I had a better picture of her cuz she is so darn cute but you can get the idea!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Two of my three Loves

My two loves... Cory and Lizzie (Lizzie is the dog)
(I was told that I forgot about my cute cat so I changed the title!)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Wedding planning

Growing up I thought that I knew all that I wanted my wedding to be. Now that I am actually an adult having a horse drawn carriage and a big catholic church sounds pretty crazy.....I mean I am not even catholic.
The wedding is over a year away and already I know why people elope. There is so much to do and so little money. It certainly isn't TIME I am worried about, got plenty of that. Tons of time to think about flowers and cheese plater and tons more to change my mind about what the heck I actually want. Am I really old enough to get married. Isn't there some sort of test I am suppose to take to show that I am mature enough for this?
Which brings me to a whole other subject, what is it with all these people getting married? We already have 3 weddings to go to this year and these are all people that I grew up with. Did they pass the test? If they did then I know that I shouldn't have a problem.

Another try

Okay so I tried to do this once before with little to no luck. I forgot I had it so never posted anything. Then i remembered and had uber trouble getting to my page. So I am giving it another try. Hopefully I won't be such a lazy turd and get some things posted on here!!

I also have a myspace account Check it out here: