Stop the Insanity! please?

a lot of talk... a little sense

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The new me

The other day I was gripping to Cory about something that he hadn't done and the whole time he is looking at me with his head cocked and a dumb founded look on his face. When I ask him why he is looking at me like that he says to me
"You need to get fake glasses or something. I can't take you serious without your glasses."

What an ass.

Good news!

I got another job.....I am really excited about this one. I will finally be doing a job that uses my talents and is actually something that I want to do. I will be working in development which is not for everyone but I hope it is for me. I have not had a chance to work in development that much before so this is a great opportunity for me.

I am also glasses free! For the first time since second grade I do not require glasses! It is wierd and most people who know me are quite used to it yet. The best part is that I get to wear whatever sunglasses that I want to wear! I already have 3 pair and I know that I will have 20 more by the end of summer. Good times!!