Texas- Get Er Done!
Just got back from Texas. Austin to be more precise. It is an interesting place but it is way too commercial. If you are looking for a store you will find it in Austin and then you will find it again two miles down the road. Way too many people and way to many stores. We looked at a few suburbs and those weren't half bad. Mostly everything is brand new and unlike Cleveland, they are actually building new things all the time. (this is good and bad, see above about being too commercial)
Cory has been on a kick for awhile about moving down there. I was willing to check it out and see if I would be able to deal with the conservative wackos down there. Austin isn't too bad but it is still Texas and I will have to watch my back. I wouldn't mind living in one of Austin's suburbs; nice affordable houses, great schools, and there is always something to do down there. You can never be bored.
We also visited San Antonio, what a tourist trap! The Alamo is plopped in the center of downtown and right across the street is a Ripley's Believe it or Not and Wax Museum. You know you are in tourist hell when there is a Ripley's near by.
You would think that a place with so much history would actually show some of it, but no most things are torn down and crap is put in its place.
There are nice places in Texas, don't get me wrong. But the majority of it is outside of the major cities. Oh yeah and driving in Austin is like driving with a bunch of student drivers!
Visit if you like, especially if I end up moving there, I will need someone with some sanity to keep me sane!