God Bless...Latvia?
Election day….the only day that Republicans set foot outside. I say this because they come out in masses on this very sacred day. Them never leaving their houses is the only explanation to why they have no idea what the hell is happening in the world and that it needs to be changed.
It seems that everyday I read a news article about how another country, who is suppose to be not as free and democratic as America, is becoming WAY more free and democratic then us. Have we ever had a women president? Nope, but Panama, Latvia, Finland, Guyana, and Switzerland, Philippines, and Indonesia, just to name a few, has or has had a women president. It looks like Australia will be getting rid of their Stem-cell research ban and how many countries allow gay marriage? Let’s see, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, and South Africa. (There are many others that allow civil unions and/or the same rights to heterosexual couples) I don’t see America included in any of these lists.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I love America. This is a place full of culture and beautiful landscapes; there are wonderful people and opportunities here. We have a chance to be heard, by casting our vote, something that people in some countries don’t have the ability to do. But the ones that want to be heard so badly and want to see things change; don’t actually get out to vote. For whatever their reason they decide that they don’t want to vote. It is those people that I do not want to hear complain about the state of this country. If it mattered that much to them they would get to the polls and make a difference. Instead it is the crazies that get out the vote and we spend another 4 years trying to grasp for a straw, wondering what happened. I know that it will never be prefect, there will always be someone that is not happy about the situation but the US of A should be able to say “Well at least we are cooler than Latvia”.