Stop the Insanity! please?

a lot of talk... a little sense

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The new me

The other day I was gripping to Cory about something that he hadn't done and the whole time he is looking at me with his head cocked and a dumb founded look on his face. When I ask him why he is looking at me like that he says to me
"You need to get fake glasses or something. I can't take you serious without your glasses."

What an ass.

Good news!

I got another job.....I am really excited about this one. I will finally be doing a job that uses my talents and is actually something that I want to do. I will be working in development which is not for everyone but I hope it is for me. I have not had a chance to work in development that much before so this is a great opportunity for me.

I am also glasses free! For the first time since second grade I do not require glasses! It is wierd and most people who know me are quite used to it yet. The best part is that I get to wear whatever sunglasses that I want to wear! I already have 3 pair and I know that I will have 20 more by the end of summer. Good times!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

God Bless...Latvia?

Election day….the only day that Republicans set foot outside. I say this because they come out in masses on this very sacred day. Them never leaving their houses is the only explanation to why they have no idea what the hell is happening in the world and that it needs to be changed.
It seems that everyday I read a news article about how another country, who is suppose to be not as free and democratic as America, is becoming WAY more free and democratic then us. Have we ever had a women president? Nope, but Panama, Latvia, Finland, Guyana, and Switzerland, Philippines, and Indonesia, just to name a few, has or has had a women president. It looks like Australia will be getting rid of their Stem-cell research ban and how many countries allow gay marriage? Let’s see, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, and South Africa. (There are many others that allow civil unions and/or the same rights to heterosexual couples) I don’t see America included in any of these lists.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I love America. This is a place full of culture and beautiful landscapes; there are wonderful people and opportunities here. We have a chance to be heard, by casting our vote, something that people in some countries don’t have the ability to do. But the ones that want to be heard so badly and want to see things change; don’t actually get out to vote. For whatever their reason they decide that they don’t want to vote. It is those people that I do not want to hear complain about the state of this country. If it mattered that much to them they would get to the polls and make a difference. Instead it is the crazies that get out the vote and we spend another 4 years trying to grasp for a straw, wondering what happened. I know that it will never be prefect, there will always be someone that is not happy about the situation but the US of A should be able to say “Well at least we are cooler than Latvia”.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


My best friend in the whole world recently moved back into town after like 4 1/2 years. I missed her so much and you can imagine how happy I was to find out she was moving back home. It wasn't easy to stay in touch for that long with all the changes that were happening in our lives, but we were determined not to lose touch. We still have so much in common and when we get together we still laugh our asses off. We have both changed since we first became friends, events and people we crossed paths with have certainly had an impact. We have grown up, we have had boyfriends (some serious others well... Not so much), kids, pets, divorce, marriage, jobs or lack there of, dumb ass brothers, dumb ass dads I could go on forever. But we still have managed to stick together. She is the only person that I know I can tell anything too and she won't judge me and won't think less of me. We have gotten into fights but they never last long. I can't stay mad at a person who knows all my deepest secrets. (god knows how those could be used against me!)
She been working really hard getting her life together, it can't be easy to move back home and start over again but she has been doing great and I am happy for her and couldn't be more proud. But I miss her. Even though she lives so close we hardly see each other. We certainly have a lot happening in our lives right now and free time does seem to be limited. But........Friends need to stick together. Who else will put up with our crap and still love you despite it?

I got a new job!

Thats right folks, your dear Lenaia has gotten herself a new job! Full time and with benefits (now I can live dangerously again!) I will still be at the museum, just doing a different job. I am a little nervous but it will be nice that I already know some of the people in the department.
My current bosses counldn't be more excitied for me. I have been very lucky with my bosses and I hope it continues.
So if there is anyone out there that wants to help me celebrate, feel free to give me a holla, not that you need a reason to drink!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Blah Blah

Its been a while since I wrote anything. So I thought I should get on it. Things have been pretty crazy. I have had way too many weddings to go to this year. One left though!
I think I manged to get Cory to rethink the whole moving to Texas thing. There are so many places to live and we are young and we have the chance to live anywhere we want. I would love to move to Chicago or New York and live there for just a year (maybe more). I don't want to settle down into my forever home. Where is the fun in that. I want to travel and see the world. Don't get me wrong, I love my house, it is great to be able to do whatever I want and not have to worry about pissing off a downstairs neighboor (that's right, f-you Fat Elvis!) I wouldn't mind living in a cramped apartment in a big city for a little while. Now is the time to see new places and try new things. I just have to get Cory to go for it. Any ideas on how to do this?

Monday, July 03, 2006

Texas- Get Er Done!

Just got back from Texas. Austin to be more precise. It is an interesting place but it is way too commercial. If you are looking for a store you will find it in Austin and then you will find it again two miles down the road. Way too many people and way to many stores. We looked at a few suburbs and those weren't half bad. Mostly everything is brand new and unlike Cleveland, they are actually building new things all the time. (this is good and bad, see above about being too commercial)
Cory has been on a kick for awhile about moving down there. I was willing to check it out and see if I would be able to deal with the conservative wackos down there. Austin isn't too bad but it is still Texas and I will have to watch my back. I wouldn't mind living in one of Austin's suburbs; nice affordable houses, great schools, and there is always something to do down there. You can never be bored.
We also visited San Antonio, what a tourist trap! The Alamo is plopped in the center of downtown and right across the street is a Ripley's Believe it or Not and Wax Museum. You know you are in tourist hell when there is a Ripley's near by.
You would think that a place with so much history would actually show some of it, but no most things are torn down and crap is put in its place.
There are nice places in Texas, don't get me wrong. But the majority of it is outside of the major cities. Oh yeah and driving in Austin is like driving with a bunch of student drivers!
Visit if you like, especially if I end up moving there, I will need someone with some sanity to keep me sane!

Friday, May 19, 2006


I know that it shouldn't have taken me this long to realize but Ebay is the devil. Devil in a good/bad way though. It is good because you can find every possible useless thing that you could ever want or need or think you need. Not only that but you can usually get stuff for a deal. Now the sucks you in. It sucks you like a dirty dirty whore. Once you do it you just can't stop. It is like your whole life depends on winning this worthless item. I am a nice person, happy go lucky kinda gal unless you are trying to out bid me. That is when the claws come out and the yelling at the unknown people in my computer starts. It can be quite scary. The first time Cory witnessed this I think for a slight moment he thought about running for the hills, besides it would be easy to sell my engagment ring on ebay.
I am obsessed....when it is almost time for the auction to end I sit by the computer and hit refresh, refresh, refresh over and over again and watch the minutes tick away.
Speaking of which, it has been a few minutes since I checked my auction. Stay away from it it is mine!!!!!!

UPDATE: Thats right, don't mess with me and my ebay! Cuz you know i'll beat you!

So can you tell I like to post pictures? These creatures, all three of them (Cory included) are the best things to ever come into my life. That is next to my mom, but I came into her life so that doesn't really count, and my best friend Rita (I miss you!!)


She is spoiled. I mean, can you blame us? She has blue eyes for crying out loud!!

My Ruby

I wish I had a better picture of her cuz she is so darn cute but you can get the idea!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Two of my three Loves

My two loves... Cory and Lizzie (Lizzie is the dog)
(I was told that I forgot about my cute cat so I changed the title!)